Congratulations on taking the next step towards discovering your unique voice and experiencing creative confidence & freedom! This series will help you to eliminate blocks, and set a solid foundation to achieve your creative goals.

Each class focuses on a specific Chakra (energy wheel) within the body and you will experience transformation by practicing the kriyas, meditations and journaling exercises specifically designed to open up the stored energy in each chakra so that you can begin to live in & express your full creative potential!

In addition there are exercises specifically designed for the singing/speaking voice to help you release tension, project more freely, warm up easily & avoid injury.

AND the classes will enable you to increase your presence & radiance every day & on stage.

Welcome to the Voga Community – I am so excited that you are on the way to expanding your creative potential!!!

Video Series includes, 6 2-hour classes (12 hours of live Video!!) All Classes include breath work, kriyas, meditations, deep relaxations, live healing gong, relaxations, journaling exercises to connect with and manifest your creative goals PLUS Copies of the Kriyas, Detailed Hand-outs from each class, Chakra PDF PLUS A Custom Voga Journal, plus more!


Designed for canvas art in Collaboration with Top radio stations and corporate offices and motivational quotes
VOGA (sm) Voga is a registered service mark of Meredith Blis Sincoff – all rights reserved